Have you ever considered creating your own wedding dress?
I read somewhere that a $10,000 wedding is a good budget to keep in mind for a conservative wedding. WHAT? Who has THAT kind of money in today's economy. Most of us can afford closer to $100...and that is a few zeros away from the $10K mark.
This grand number got me to thinking...how can brides save some money planning their wedding?
We all can agree one of the most important aspects of the wedding (along with the bride and groom) is the wedding dress. This is also one element that consumes a lot of the overall wedding budget. What if I told you that you can make your own wedding dress and save THOUSANDS of dollars?
2. Give Life to a New Dress
Have you come across a dress you absolutely love, but there is something about it that you don't like? Well, instead of passing this by, get it! You can easily breathe new life into a dress and turn it into something all your own. For example, you could add tulle to the bottom of a dress to make it more like a ball gown. Or you could even shorten a dress so it's more casual.If you aren't able to do these things on your own, then you better find a good seamstress in your area. This professional can make just about anything happen as long as you give them enough time to do so. Your ideas with a dress can come to life, but you have to make sure you use a pro who can actually help you get to the end result that you want.
A lot of brides are choosing to give dresses new lives because it can save them so much money. For example, some brides use their mother's wedding dress and simply have it changed to be the way they would like. A lot of alterations can be made to create a dress that really fits your every desire.
- See more at: http://www.weddinggownpreservationkit.com/wedding-dress-options-create-pm-22.html#sthash.6Bbiqpi6.dpuf
"Give Life to a New Dress"Have you come across a dress you absolutely love, but there is something about it that you don't like? Well, instead of passing it by, get it! You can easily breathe new life into a dress and turn it into something all your own. For example, you could add tulle to the bottom of a dress to make it more like a ball gown. Or you could even shorten a dress so it's more casual.
If you aren't able to do these things on your own, then find a good seamstress in your area. This professional can make just about anything happen as long as you give them enough time to do so. Your ideas with a dress can come to life, but you have to make sure you use a pro who can actually help you get to the end result that you want.
A lot of brides are choosing to give dresses new lives because it can save them so much money. For example, some brides use their mother's wedding dress and simply have it changed to be the way they would like. A lot of alterations can be made to create a dress that really fits your every desire.
Have you heard? You can have your dream wedding or host a dream event on a budget! See you at this amazing event sponsored by who else? Goodwill!