Today I wanted to share with you an easy and fun project you can create from some common items that you can find at your local Goodwill Store. Today's inspiration came from a bag of clip on earrings that I found when browsing through the jewelry section of the store and the sea of endless t-shirts in every variety of color that you can find on their racks.
For this project you will need a t-shirt (any size), spray paint in a contrasting color, clip on earrings, hot glue, glue sticks, scissors, a piece of card stock to make your template, and one piece of felt.

- To begin, you will need to cut out eleven circles out of your old t-shirt. I used a large circle punch and created my template out of scrap card stock. You could also just trace a lid to a canning jar, if you don’t have a circle punch handy.
- Grab your piece of felt and cut a heart out for the base of your flower or you can cut a simple felt circle.
- Let’s make some flower petals. Fold your circle in half as shown.
- Fold up one side of the circle that has been folded in half.
- Fold up the other half of the halved circle and have it meet with the other side to form a petal.
- Now hot glue the seam just a tiny bit together where the petal is gathered and then hot glue the end of the petal to the felt heart.
- Repeat this with all four ends of the heart.
- In the spaces left, fill in with three or four more petals.
- Spray paint your clip on earrings in your favorite color. Allow this to dry.
- Remove the back of the earring with a pair of pliers. Hot glue the earring to the center
- On the back of your fabric flower, you can attach a simple jewelry pin that you can find in the jewelry section of your favorite craft store.
- Wear your thrift store pin proudly!
Have you ever done anything fun with thrift store t-shirts? Feel free to share your ideas for ways you craft with Goodwill supplies here. We would love to hear them!